There are a lot of cosplay pics on the net. Some are good; some not so much. Here are a few cool ones I have found recently. While I wouldn’t cosplay myself, I think it’s cool just how detailed and exact people can get with the costumes. Some are bought from boutiques but most cosplayers like to make their own. For those of you who don’t know; cosplay is short for “costume play.” People dress up as accurately as they can as their favorite video game or anime/manage characters and often put on sketches during conventions. Hence the “play” part of cosplay. Cosplayers can also enter competitions for the best costume. Some game companies hire professional cosplayers to represent their franchise at these conventions

I found it rather amazing just how many “old” Final Fantasy cosplay characters are around. Some of the games are well over 20 years old such as Final Fantasy VI, but people are still bring the character to life regularly. Kefka cosplay and Terra cosplay seem the most popular. I was surprised to see Final Fantasy 8 cosplay since that game seems more obscure than many of the other games. Of course there are still a lot of Final Fantasy VII cosplay around with Advent Children and the game’s general popularity.

Sure some of the cosplay photos here and throughout the net have been Photoshoped. Although that seems to be a concern it isn’t anything different from any other photo we see in a magazine. High quality cosplay only helps increase its exposure. It is more than “halloween” for grown ups. Cosplay is bringing a character to life no differently than an actor does on the screen. I hope cosplay will become increasingly common and cool.
Muito bom. Adorei todas as roupas. vocês estão lindos.
There is a lot of beautiful cosplay around. I am glad you enjoyed the outfits. I often wonder how much it costs to make some of these costumes.