You, the anime community, are great. I’ve seen a lot of positive things in my time with you, and its time we extend some of these positive aspects to other parts of the Internet. Lately, the Internet suffers from vitriol and low-leveling writing: crudeness, profanity, and bad writing. Yet, most of the anime blogging community I’ve seen is helpful and avoids excessive crudeness. The writing quality is decent too. Let’s be clear. I’m not saying other sections of the Internet blog world are worse than the anime community. Nor am I saying the anime community doesn’t have problems. However, much of what we see online–misinformation, political bias, excessive crudeness, personal attacks, slander, and other problems–can be reduced if all of us work at it.
I’ve written against excessive profanity and other writing issues in various articles. I won’t beat that drum again. Other than to tell you to stop it! It really does make you look foolish. Ehem. Anyway, there are two specific issues affecting blogging communities. I’ll address both of them and offer simple solutions to fix them.
Monetizing Blogs with Advertisements Hurts Blogging
Who doesn’t want to make a living with their blog? I tried using advertisements here on JP to make a buck or two. However, a few years ago I realized I was a hypocrite. I hate advertising. I don’t merely find it annoying or dislike it. I passionately hate the level of advertising found across the Internet. Yet I was also contributing to the problem. So I took down all the advertisements.
After I dropped the ads, I saw my traffic increase. I’m not sure if removing ads helped that, but I like to think so. I will promote my books time to time, but I try to keep my book promotions to a minimum. I dislike seeing authors over-peddle. However, not all advertising is bad. Some is needed, but it should be kept to a minimum. Ironically, if advertisers would reduce the number of ads by, say, 98% they would likely see more people paying attention to them. Rarity creates interest. When a room of people are talking, no one can hear what is being said.
In any case, the level of advertisements used on the Internet chokes access. Ad blockers are required to be able to load many websites. Not to mention it is very difficult to blog for a living. The best way to do that is to write quality books (not that I claim my books are quality) and freelance for magazines. A blog is a way to reach out to people who may find your content interesting or useful. And it all comes down to being helpful to your readers. Blogs that splash advertisements everywhere do not have the reader in mind. They don’t try to give to the reader; they want to take from the reader. These blogs and websites are self-serving rather than other-serving.
So the first step of our blog movement: reduce advertising. Remove most ads from your blog and kill all those terrible pop-ups, including those that ask the visitor to follow your blog. If they want to follow you, they will. Place the RSS feed or email someplace visible but out of the way of your articles. I refuse to follow blogs that beg me to follow them. But if I like a blog, I will hunt the sidebar for a subscription box.
Also be sure to install adblockers on your browsers. Maybe if people stop seeing pennies come from ads, more will take them down. I don’t know about you, but I long for the day when advertisements are rare but useful.
Return the Social to Blogging
One of the biggest problems blogs face is the immigration to social platforms. Facebook, Twitter, Tumblr and other social media have stolen the conversations blogs used to enjoy. I feel like I am railing against the inevitable, but most blogs starve for comments and discussion. I’ll admit social platforms are more convenient for discussion. After all, blogs are fragmented. You can talk to many bloggers on Twitter, but you can only speak to a few (or one) on their blog. However, this is akin to having a private conversation. Social platforms are noisy places, full of asides and interruptions. Blogs provide spaces for more specific, quieter conversations. Blogs have more in common with friends getting together at a bar than Twitter or other social platforms do. They are closer to meeting at a busy city square.
Perhaps the most important part of commenting on blogs deals with the author. Many bloggers labor in isolation. They feel as if their little blog, which sees little traffic, is lost in the void. They grow discouraged and think about quitting. Just when they are about to order the blog to commit seppuku, a comment pings. Someone has read an article and liked it! They really liked it enough to comment! Comments light a fire under bloggers. Comments encourage, even the argumentative ones.
Bloggers can also encourage each other by writing responses to posts on their own blogs. For example, you can write a response about this article and rip at me for being way off base. Article responses between bloggers help readers discover new authors. It also helps create a better community by feeling like a community. Instead of a blog floating in isolation, it responds and adapts to the conversations of its community. It joins those conversations. The anime community does a great job of this. Not to mention these response posts help you keep writing. It can be tough to come up with ideas week after week.
So the second part of our blog movement is to comment on posts and write response articles. If you like a blogger, let them know you support them. They may well return the favor! But if they don’t return the favor, don’t worry. You contributed to the health of the Internet as a whole.
Small actions add up. While these two solutions are relatively easy (outside of losing advertising income), they improve your small bit of the Internet. Taking your conversation to a blog encourages the author to keep writing. It also helps blogging feel less isolated. Remember, blogging is the original social media. And bloggers need to help the conversation by replying to comments and writing good, useful articles in the first place. Blogging can’t be self-serving. It has provide value to the reader in order to succeed.
This is where most bloggers, and websites for that matter, go wrong. They try to take from readers (usually money) instead of give. Writing is a relationship. There has to be more giving than taking for relationships to succeed. If you give quality writing and information to readers, many will give you their friendship, interest, and (sometimes) money.
I’m glad you found the article helpful. Happy blogging!
Sometimes I get myself thinking about how to approach the discussions in a blog. It looks like almost no one ever comments on blog posts anymore.
I’m still willing to make an slice of life anime blog, so wish me luck, and keep the good work.
See ya otaku
It is difficult to develop discussion on blogs because of social media. I suggest commenting on other blogs. Eventually, you will see a return. I am likely wrong: I suspect we will return to fragmented blogs and platforms for discussion once social media falls out of favor.
Good luck and happy blogging!
Wow! This is really helpful, since I’m thinking about starting an anime blog of my own!
I’m glad it helped. Good luck with the blog!
is naruto death confirms
I haven’t heard anything.
This is a nice article, indeed!!
I am also a blogger myself. I know how important it is to write a good article and you have done it brilliantly.
Thank you! All the best for your blog.
I like your article and commenting here to let you know this has played my part to support a blogger.
thank you for usefull post
i need it
I’m glad it helped you.
Your “Steps for better Anime blogging” is very helpful for me as the beginner.
I was blogging to 3 posts each day but the views and response or comments don’t change much.
It’s difficult to get comments on a blog article. Discussion has shifted toward social media. It takes time to build a readership and find what schedule works best for you.
Thanks for writing this one. I was actually approached to offer Christian ads on my blog but couldn’t because I have the free version of WordPress.
I have a question about your books. So I too want to publish a few books. Have they sold well on Amazon? I assume you aren’t rolling around in money like Uncle Scrooge from Ducktales, but has it provided at least a little side money, or you only get like a few pennies? If I am asking too personal of a question, please give me a vague answer so I get the hint and dont’ ask again haha. God bless ya.
I understand how ads can be tempting. I have advertisers approach me periodically. It becomes more tempting when you are paying for the webhost. I will, however, write reviews in return for free books and other items, but US law requires disclosure as to this, and I don’t allow them to color my views of the item.
I don’t mind answering at all. So far my book about kitsune folklore sells steadily, but after the cost of getting the books edited (which costs about $0.02 a word), they have yet to break even. I won’t break even for a long while. Fiction is a hard sell, but they do get read on Amazon’s Kindle reading program. The amount you get depends on the price tier you set. You can earn 35% royalties in the low tier–about $0.34 for each $0.99 book–or 70% for books above $2.99. I keep my books on the lower end because I know my target audience doesn’t have a lot of disposable income (university age) and because I want them to be read.
Writing is a marathon, that is sure, but I enjoy it. The largest hurdle is the upfront editing costs and costs for marketing (which I don’t worry about. I’m too busy writing the next book.). A 70k word book can cost $1400 for a developmental edit. I hope this answers your question!
Thanks for replying so quickly. Wow, that much for an edit??! I know a few editors I am looking to work with that will hopefully charge me a whole lot less, I hope!
Yeah, the whole aspect of getting review copies is good too, I’ve done that a few times myself. I need to see if I can receive video games too, since I am a Christian video game blogger (yeah, we exist lol). Hope your books continue to sell, and I am looking forward to writing my own as well. God bless ya.
I had sticker shock too. I hope your editors do. I snagged an editor that charges me half the usual rate, for which I’m grateful.
I’ve noticed review copies have shifted toward YouTube as more people move to video instead of writing. I’m old fashioned. I’d rather read than watch a video, but that isn’t the direction people are going. Luckily, there will always be a place for a well-written blog. If you need suggestions or have any questions, just ask. I work as a librarian, so I’m used to helping authors with research, and I’ve learned some tricks of my own. Best of luck with your writing.