The Machine Girl lay in the third category, although I wouldn’t go so far as to say it’s so bad that it’s awesome.
The movie follows a college girl named Ami, whose brother is killed by the son of a Yakuza gangster. She goes out to get revenge for her brother, and winds up losing her arm in the process. Later she has a machine gun attached to it.
I felt like I was watching an anime (and not a good one) brought to life. The gore is cartoonish, the dialogue ridiculous, and the plot basically non-existent.
That being said, it’s a fun movie. Don’t expect to do a lot of thinking, and don’t watch it if you don’t like gallon upon gallon of gore. The Machine Girl is cinematic junkfood at its finest; little more than fluff and bad special effects that somehow come together to make an entertaining way to spend an hour and a half.
I was a bit puzzled as to why it was categorized as a horror flick; it’s not scary and wasn’t intended to be so. Rather, it feels like a low budget version of Kill Bill.
All in all I enjoyed it. There’s nothing deep here, nothing scary, and certainly nothing new. It’s just a fun little movie for people who like flicks with low budgets and cheesy special effects.