Ever wonder what is up with all the blood types in celebrity bios and anime? Well, apparently in Japan blood type affects personality. The idea started with Furukawa Takeji and his paper “The Study of Temperament Through Blood Type” published in the scholarly journal Psychological Research. Since then, blood type is used as shorthand for anime character personality.
Blood types are sometimes used to gauge personality compatibility and even have horoscopes attached to them. By the way, scientifically there isn’t any solid correlation between blood type and personality. That doesn’t stop it from being used as shorthand, match making or …. bullying. Yeah. People are bullied because of their blood type. Some corporations even group people based on blood types.
Type A
Type A’s are depicted as stressed and conscientious.
Examples in anime: Jet Black,Hyuuga Hinata, Vincent Valentine, Yuffie Kisaragi.
Type B
Type B’s are relaxed and unconventional but not to the point of being annoying. Off-the-wall and impulsive, well meaning characters fall into this group.
Examples in anime: Faye Valentine,Ten-Ten,Tifa Lockhart, Cid Highwind.
Type O
Examples in anime: Spike Spiegel, Haruno Sakura, Aerith Gainsborough
Type AB
ABs are considered sensitive and considerate, just not enough to balance their “bad” (from the Japanese point of view) characteristics. They are too unpredictable for Japanese taste. Anime villains are often in this group.
Examples in anime: Uchiha Sasuke, Cloud Strife
Much like astrology signs, some blood types are thought to be more compatible with certain types than others. Women’s magazines often focus on matchmaking through blood types.
- A is most compatible with A and AB
- B is most compatible with B and AB
- AB compatible with all types
- O is most compatible with O and AB
That should demystify blood types a bit. Types are used as shorthand for character personality and gives people an idea of how anime characters relate to each other. A character of type O won’t necessarily get along well with a character of type A. There isn’t any science backing the idea of personality being influenced by blood type. This didn’t stop astrological signs from being used in the West for the same purposes. Newspapers and morning shows have blood type horoscopes in much the same way we do with astrological signs.
South Korea also embraces blood typing. Type B’s reportedly have the hardest time finding dates and are difficult to date. South Korea even has movies and songs that deal with this “fact.”
- “Japanese Blood Types and Personality” Issendai’s Lair
- “Japanese Culture 101: Personality by Blood Type“ The Great Geek Manual
- “Blood Types” Angel Flower Anime
- “Blood Types in Japanese Culture” Wikipedia
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