Manga has a vast amount of onomatopoeia. They go beyond simple sound effects, representing emotions like anger and actions like staring. Manga artists fold sound words into their panel designs and story.
Japanese sound words divide into three families (Inose, n.d.):
- Giseigo mimic the sounds of people and animals.
- Giongo imitate other sounds, like water, snaps, and pops.
- Gitaigo represent emotions and visual events.
The words break down into 5 classes which deal with the structure of the words themselves. If you want to read more about this, check out my other article Manga Sound Effect Guide.
The list that follows is by no means comprehensive. After all, there are around 1,200 sound words in the Japanese language (Kadooka, 2009; Inose, n.d.). Here, I present 275 words if you include hiragan and katakana duplicates. I used the list from the Manga Sound Effect Guide article as the starting point and expanded it with the help of a few Japanese-English dictionaries and ChatGPT. If you use large language models like ChatGPT to help you find sound words, be careful. The system gave me many words that I couldn’t find in the dictionaries. These systems hallucinate, so you must always verify the information they provide. It also gave me wrong definitions and incomplete definitions for words. Despite my triple-checking, I’m sure you will find some errors in this list.
For your convenience, I put these words into an OpenDocument spreadsheet with sortable columns. Download the spreadsheet. The list will sometimes include both the hiragana and katakana versions of the sound word. Sound words can also have various meanings depending on the contex.
If you don’t want to download the file, here’s the list:
Kana | Romaji | English Meaning |
ぼたぼた | Botabota | drip drip |
あははは | Ahahaha | ahahaha |
イヤア or やあ | Iyaa | no (screamed) |
イライラ | Iraira | grrr |
おっとっと | Ototo | oops |
ガ ー | Gaa | whirl |
がおー | Gaoo | growl |
ガガガ | Gagaga | rumble/ratatat |
カサカサ | Kasa-kasa | burn (as in sunburn) |
カシャカシャ | Kasha-kasha | Click-clack |
ガシャンッ | Gashan | crash |
カタカタ | Kata-kata | click-click/typing sounds |
がたがた | Gata-gata | shaking, shivering, trembling |
ガタンガトン | Gatangoton | click-clack |
カチカチ | Kachi-kachi | clicking |
カチカチ | kachikachi | clack |
ガチガチ | Gachigachi | shake |
カチンカチン | Kachin-kachin | stiff, unyielding |
ガツガツ | Gatsugatsu | munch |
がっかり | Gakkari | disappointed, heavy sigh |
ガツン | Gatsun | crash, klunk |
カラカラ | Kara-kara | dry |
がらがら | Gara-gara | empty, rattling |
がらん | Garan | empty, deserted, silent |
カリ | kari | crunch/crisp |
カリカリ | Kari-kari | brittle, dry, irritation, grumpy |
ガリガリ | Gari-gari | intense focus |
ガリッ | Garri | scratching, scraped |
かんかん | Kankan | angry |
がんばり | Ganbari | persevering |
キキー | Kikii | oohoohahah (monkey) |
きしきし | Kishi-kishi | creaking |
ギシギシ | Gishi-gishi | creaking |
キャア | Kyaa | aaah! |
ギャア | Gyaa | aaaah! |
キュート | Kyūto | cute, endearing |
きゅっ | Kyu | right, creaking |
ぎゅっと | Gyutto | tightly, squeezed |
キュルキュル | Kyu-ryu | shrill squeaking |
キュンキュン | Kyun-kyun | thrill in your heart, heart-wrenching |
きゅんきゅん | Kyun-kyun | fluttering heart, love |
キラキラ | Kira-kira | twinkling |
きりきり | Kiri-kiri | chafing, grinding |
キリキリ | Kiri-kiri | chafing, grinding |
ぎりぎり | Giri-giri | just in time, narrowly fitting |
ギリギリ | Giri-giri | just in time, narrowly fitting |
キンキン | Kin-kin | shrill, sharp, metallic |
ぐうきゅるるる | Guukyurururu | gurgle / stomach growl |
クシャクシャ | Kusha-kusha | crumpling, being wrinkled |
くすくす | Kusu-kusu | giggling, suppressed laughter |
ぐずぐず | Guzu-guzu | slow, indecisive, procrastinating |
くたくた | Kuta-kuta | exhausted |
グチャ | Guchya | squish |
グチャグチャ | Gucha-gucha | messy, mashed and mixed |
ぐちゃぐちゃ | Gucha-gucha | messy, chaotic, jumbled |
くっきり | Kukkiri | well-defined, distinct |
ぐにゃぐにゃ | Gunya-gunya | flabby, soft and flexible |
ぐにゃり | Gunyari | flex |
くらくら | Kura-kura | lightheaded, dizzy |
グラグラ | Guragura | rattle |
クリクリ | Kuri-kuri | big and round |
クリック | Kurikku | mechanical click |
くるくる | Kuru-kuru | spinning, working hard |
ぐるぐる | Guru-guru | whirling, wrapping around |
グルグル | Guru-guru | whirling |
グルルグルル | Gururugururu | purr |
ぐんぐん | Gun-gun | gobbling, peeling off in one go |
ゲッソリ | Gessori | shoom |
ゲロゲロ | Gerogero | ribbit |
ごくごく | Goku-goku | gulping |
ゴクゴク | Goku-goku | gulping |
ごくん | Gokun | swallowing |
こけこっこー | Kokekokkoo | sound of a rooster |
コケッ | Koke | stumble |
ごしごし | Goshi-goshi | scrubbing |
コスコス | Kosu-kosu | secretly |
ごそごそ | Goso-goso | rustling, rummaging |
こちょこちょ | Kocho-kocho | koochie-koochie koo |
こっくり | Kokkuri | zzzz |
コト | Koto | clink |
コロ コロ | Koro-koro | roll |
ごろごろ | Goro-goro | rumble, thunder, rolling objects |
ゴロゴロ | Goro-goro | rolling, thunder, rumbling |
ザー | Zaa | heavy rain |
ザーザー | Za-za | pouring, heavy rain |
さくさく | Saku-saku | crisp, crunchy, acting skillfully |
ザクザク | Zaku-zaku | breaking, crunching |
さっぱり | Sappari | refreshed |
サワサワ | Sawa-sawa | rustling |
ざわざわ | Zawa-zawa | murmur, people talking |
ザワザワ | Zawa-zawa | restless, buzzing crowd |
じーっ | Jii | stare |
じっくり | Jikkuri | carefully, slowly |
じっと | Jitto | silence, stillness, motionless |
シャカシャカ | Shaka-shaka | rustling |
シャキシャキ | Shaki-shaki | fresh, crispy |
シャボン | Shabon | bubbling, fizz |
ジュージュー | Juu-juu | sizzling, frying |
ジュージュー | Jyuu-jyuu | sizzle |
じりじり | Jiri-jiri | slowly, sizzling, scorching |
ジリリリリ | Jiriri | dingding |
シワシワ | Shiwa-shiwa | wrinkles |
ジワジワ | Jiwa-jiwa | permeating, slowly soaking in |
すーすー | Su-su | hiss, sound of steam |
すーっと | Su-to | straight, sudden, gliding, gently |
ズウウウウン | Zuuuuun | depressed/doomed |
ズキズキ | Zuki-zuki | throbbing pain |
ズズウウ | Zuzuuu | sip |
すたすた | Suta-suta | briskly walking |
すっきり | Sukkiri | refreshed |
ズルズル | Zuru-zuru | heavy dragging, slithering |
ずるずる | Zuru-zuru | lax, gradual |
ゾクゾク | Zoku-zoku | tremble |
そよそよ | Soyo-soyo | whispering, gently |
ソロリソロリ | Sorori-sorori | tip-toe |
そわそわ | Sowa-sowa | restless, fidgeting |
ぞわぞわ | Zowa-zowa | creepy, taking one’s time |
ダダダダ | Dadadada | running feet |
だらだら | Daradara | lazy |
チチチ | Chichichi | chirp-chirp |
チュウチュウ | Chuuchuu | squeak |
ちゅっ | Chu | mwha (kiss) |
ちゅるちゅる | Churuchuru | slurp |
ちょこんっ | Chokon | silence |
ちょっぴり | Choppiri | a little, small amount |
ちょろちょろ | Choro-choro | Pitter-patter, trickle, fire flicker |
チラチラ | Chira-chira | twinkling, appearing and disappearing |
ちらっ | Chira | at a glance, by accident |
ちらほら | Chirahora | drift / flutter |
チン | Chin | ding |
ドーン | Doon | boom |
ドカン | Dokan | bang |
どきどき | Doki-doki | excitement, heartbeat |
ドキドキ | Doki-doki | excitement, heartbeat |
どっかーん | Dokkaan | booom! |
どろ どろ | Dorodoro | ooze |
どんどん | Don-don | rapid, drumming |
ドンドン | Don-don | knock-knock |
ニコニコ | Niko-niko | smiling |
にゃあ | Nyaa | meow |
ニヤニヤ | Niyaniya | heh heh |
にゃんにゃん | Nyan-nyan | sound of a cat |
バキッ | Baki | crack |
ぱくぱく | Paku-paku | devoouring, chomping |
ばしっ | Bashi | whack, smack |
ばたばた | Bata-bata | commotion, clattering, bustling |
バタバタ | batabata | whooooooosh! |
パタパタ | Pata-pata | fluttering |
ハタハタ | Hatahata | flutter |
ばたり | Bata-ri | crash, collapse |
バタン | Batan | slam |
ぱたんと | Patan-to | plonk |
パチパチ | Pachi-pachi | clapping, snapping |
ぱちんと | Pachin to | snapping |
ハックション | Hakkushon | achoo |
ぱっくり | Pakkuri | split open |
ぱっちり | Pacchiri | wide open |
ぱっと | Patto | suddenly |
パツト | Patto | suddenly |
ハラハラ | Harahara | uneasy |
ばらばら | Bara-bara | scattering |
バラバラ | Bara-bara | flutter |
ばりばり | Bari-bari | vigorously |
バリバリ | Bari-bari | crunch |
ぱりぱり | Pari-pari | crispy, tearing, energetic, new clothes |
パンパン | Pan-pan | open hand hit, slap |
ぴーぴー | Pii-pii | sound of a small bird |
ピカッ | Pika | flash |
ぴかっと | Pika-to | flash, sparkling |
ぴかぴか | Pika-pika | sparkling, glittering |
ぴかり | Pikari | dazzling, shimmering |
びくびく | Biku-biku | fearful, trembling |
ピコピコ | Piko-piko | blip, beep, video game sounds |
ピコピコン | Piko-pikon | electronic beep |
ぴしゃり | Pishari | splashing, splatting, refusal, denial |
びしょびしょ | Bisho-bisho | drenched, soaking wet |
ピタピタ | Pita-pita | sticking |
ぴちぴち | Pichi-pichi | vibrant, lively |
ピチピチ | Pichi-pichi | bursting with energy |
ピチャン | Pichan | splash |
びっくり | Bikkuri | surprise |
ひっくりかえる | Hikkurikaeru | overturning, toppling over |
ヒヒーン | Hihiin | whinny/neigh |
ピピピピピ | Pipipipipi | beep beep |
ひゃっくり | Hyakkuri | hiccup |
ヒューヒュー | Hyu-hyu | whistling |
ヒュオオオオオ | Hyuooooo | howl |
ひょい | Hyo-i | lightly, lifted and tossed |
ひょいと | Hyoito | suddenly, by chance, accidentally |
ひょこひょこ | Hyoko-hyoko | bobbing, unsteady |
ぴよぴよ | Piyo-piyo | sound of a baby bird |
びょんびょん | Byon-byon | bouncing |
ぴょんぴょん | Pyon-pyon | hopping, skipping |
ピョンピョン | Pyon-pyon | boing-boing |
ひらひら | Hira-hira | fluttering, flickering, drifting |
びりっと | Biritto | ripping, electric buzzing |
ヒリヒリ | Hiri-hiri | stinging, irritation |
びりびり | Biri-biri | tearing, electric shock |
ビリビリ | Biribiri | bzzzt |
ピリピリ | Piri-piri | tingling, stinging |
ピンポン | Pinpon | ding dong |
ひんやり | Hin-yari | refreshingly cool |
フーツ | Fuu | hiss |
ぶーぶー | Buubuu | sound of a big, a vibrating phone |
ブーン | Buun | buzz |
ブカブカ | Bukabuka | loose/baggy |
プカプカ | Puka-puka | bobbing, floating |
ぷくっと | Puku-to | inflating, puffed up |
ぶくぶく | Buku-buku | bulging, swelling, bubbling, baggy |
ブクブク | Buku-buku | bubble |
ブチュー | Buchuu | smoooch |
ぶつぶつ | Butsu-butsu | grumbling, grunting |
ブツブツ | Butsu-butsu | grumbling, grunting |
ブヒブヒ | Buhibuhi | oink-oink |
ブフーツ | Bufuu | snort |
ふらふら | Fura-fura | unsteady, without thinking |
ふらりと | Furari to | aimlessly, slowly swaying |
プリプリ | Puri-puri | plump, tender, anger |
ぶるぶる | Buru-buru | shivering, cold |
ブルブル | Buru-buru | brrrr (shivering with cold) |
ブロロロロ | Burororo | vrooom / zooom |
ふわっと | Fuwa-to | light, floating |
ふわふわ | Fuwa-fuwa | fluffy, spongy, buoyant |
ふわふわ | Fuwa-fuwa | fluffy |
ふわり | Fuwa-ri | light, floating, gentle |
ふんふん | Fun-fun | sniffing |
ふんわり | Funwari | delicate, airy, light, gentle |
ぺこぺこ | Peko-peko | hunger, stomach growling |
ぺこり | Pekori | bowing, sound of metal caving in and springing back |
べたべた | Betabeta | stick (as in sticky) |
ぺたぺた | Peta-peta | sticky, smearing, flat surface making contact with something. |
ぺたん | Petan | falling flat |
ぺちゃくちゃ | Pecha-kucha | chattering |
ぺちゃんこ | Pechanko | flattened, squashed, flat-chested girl |
ベラベラ | Berabera | blah-blah |
ぺらぺら | Pera-pera | fluent, incessantly speaking |
ぺろり | Perori | licking, gobbling, sticking out tongue |
ポ キッ | Poki | snap |
ボー | Boo | woosh |
ボーンボーン | Boon-boon | bonk |
ぽかん | Pokan | surprise, flabbergasted, shocked |
ボコボコ | Boko-boko | bumpy, hollow |
ぽたぽた | Pota-pota | sound of water drops |
ポタポタ | Pota-pota | dripping, wet and heavy |
ぽたり | Pota-ri | single drop falling |
ほっと | Hotto | relieved |
ポツポツ | Potsu-potsu | falling droplets |
ホホホ | Hohoho | hahaha |
ぼろぼろ | Boro-boro | tattered, worn out |
ボロボロ | Boro-boro | falling apart |
ほろり | Horo-ri | single drop falling, a leaf falling |
ぽろり | Poro-ri | tears falling, dropping something |
ポロン | Poron | strumming, plonking |
ぽんぽん | Pon-pon | pop, bang |
ほんわか | Honwaka | cozy, comforting |
むくむく | Muku-muku | swelling, billowing |
むしむし | Mushi-mushi | damp and humid |
むにゃむにゃ | Munya-munya | mumbling incomprehensibly |
メエメエ | Mee-mee | baa |
もーもー | Moo-moo | sound of a cow |
もおー | Moh | moo |
モグモグ | Mogu-mogu | chewing, munching |
もぐもぐ | Mogu-mogu | munching, mumbling |
モゴモゴ | Mogo-mogo | mumbling |
もじもじ | Moji-moji | fidget |
モゾモゾ | Mozo-mozo | squirming, creeping |
モフモフ | Mofu-mofu | soft, fluffy |
モワモワ | Mowa-mowa | thickly |
ゆらゆら | Yura-yura | swaying, swinging |
ラブラブ | Raburabu | love |
わいわい | Wai-wai | boisterous, incessant, loud |
わくわく | Waku-waku | excited, nervous |
わんわん | Wan-wan | sound of a dog |
ワンワン | Wan-wan | bow-wow |
Inose, Hiroko (n.d.) Translating Japanese onomatopoeia and mimetic words https://www.academia.edu/8327377/Translating_Japanese_onomatopoeia_and_mimetic_words
Kadooka, K. (2009). Onomatopoeia Markers in Japanese. Lacus Forum 28. 267-275.
Thank you. This is a huge help to my manga project. I will study this.
I’m glad the article is able to help you! Good luck with your project!
thank you for this list! though, it seems there isn’t one for ticking of a clock? I’m drawing a silent classroom where only the clock could be heard. what do you suggest I use? thank you!
カチカチ Kachikachi is a clicking sound, but this could also be used for the ticking of a clock.
チクタク Chikutaku can mean tick-tock.
If your plot needs something more symbolic or a show of stress, you might use the character’s heartbeat, dokidoki, to show the clock and the character’s heartbeat are aligned. Good luck with your project!