Higashiyama does an excellent job conveying the feel of Naruto. The novel weaves fights with introspection and observations about society. Kakashi’s Story spends a lot of time in Kakashi’s mind, giving the reader a look at a sometimes enigmatic character. Of course, Naruto and friends also appear. Higashiyama mixes horror with whimsy in a way that balances and keeps the story from slipping too far either direction. The story is spare of description and assumes the reader already knows how everyone looks. For fans, this works well. Although I haven’t see all of the anime series, I had no trouble envisioning the characters. Action sequences are written clearly and convey the fast speed of shinobi conflict.
The novel is the size of a standard manga, which works well for those who like consistency in their library. The pencil cover art is attractive and reminds me of traditional Japanese ink drawings. Jocelyne Allen’s translation lacks most of the awkward phrasing you sometimes see in translations. The phrase “The problem is that” was the only stand out. While grammatically correct, it is awkward. But I am being a little nitpicky here. The prose flows well if you know how to pronounce all the Naruto words like hokage and kunai. I’m not a devoted Naruto fan, but I did notice some of the jutsu were different from the anime. Some fans may find this distracting.
While this isn’t what I normally read, I quite enjoyed spending an afternoon with this book. At 188 pages, it is a fast read. Fans of Naruto should give it a go, especially if you like Kakashi. You can find it at Viz Media’s Naruto Shop and Amazon.