Hayao Miyazaki’s work examines how asinine human conflict can become when it more effective to be cooperative. Animated with Studio Ghibli’s beautiful liveliness, Nausicaa lives in a peaceful valley that comes alive on screen. However, quickly the other kingdoms of humanity express their jealousy at this peace and abundance. Those kingdoms seek to take the valley for themselves and stir up the consequences of conflict.
Nausicaa wraps together Miyazaki’s favorite themes of environmentalism and anti-war. He speaks through Nausicaa, but in the movie the message falls on deaf ears. The animation holds up very well despite the age of the movie (1984). The English version features actors Patrick Stewart and Uma Thurman among many others. Like other Studio Ghibli films, what it lacks in detail it makes up for with lively animation. Magical and deep, Hayao Miyazaki’s life work is a modern day fairy tale.