Corpse Princess is another anime that missed its potential. It isn’t a bad anime, but it isn’t an excellent anime either.
The world doesn’t know it is protected by a group of monks called the Kougun Sect. What is more, the world doesn’t know about shikabane or the Sect’s shikabane hime. The Kougun Sect prefers it that way. Shikabane hime (literally Corpse Princess) are weapons used to kill other undead. Bound to a contracted monk, after 108 kills they may enter heaven.
Corpse Princess follows Makina Hoshimura, a shikabane hime, and her contracted monk Keisei Tagami as they protected the world from the undead. That is, before Keisei’s adopted brother, Ouri, and Makina’s past intertwine.
Corpse Princess’ animation swings between poor to decent. It doesn’t quite get good, but it also doesn’t get terrible either. Much like the entire anime. A lot of time between action scenes is spent on expository dialog on shikabane and shikabane hime. Repetition and the ever present poorly timed flashback also makes the story feel slow.
Corpse Princess has an interesting supporting cast and some good ideas. The action scenes and monster designs can be pretty good too. There is just a lot of lost potential.
The story mainly focuses on Makina seeking to avenge the murder of her family and herself. *Yawn*. The story does touch on some details of the Kougon Sect’s relationships with their weapons, which they considered defiled and not human. Namely it is forbidden for a contracted monk to fall in love with his shikabane hime (which are always girls between 15 – 19 or so). If this idea was developed further I think Corpse Princess could have been great. Perhaps Makina and Keisei (or Ouri) could’ve fallen into this taboo. Then the Kougon Sect would seek to hunt them while Keisei and Makina’s past also joined the tangle.
Instead you get a pretty straight forward revenge story with a few secrets thrown in. While my idea is also often done, there would have been more room for characterization and moral themes.
Corpse Princess is generally uneven and lacks focus. It is something to watch between episodes of other series. It is unfortunate it missed its potential.
I’d recommend Mokke but it might be a bit tame’ for your tasets I’m not sure since I seem to be the Grumpy Old Fart of the blogosphere these days. I’d avoid Myself;Yourself unless it takes a marked change in direction after the first episode though it looks like generic harem fanboy stuff.Clannad seems to have taken the blogoshphere by storm even though I know absolutely squat about it Kaiji sounds like a good start though, mainly because it seems to refreshingly different (odd character designs and random sound effects FTW). I’ll probably check that out once I get through my WordPress Upgrade Hell since everyting else seems to be geared towards a teenage male audience! There’s always Gundam 00 I guess.
I haven’t watched Mokke yet. It will have to go onto my watch list; several people have recommended it. I found Clannad rather dull; although, I did like some of the characterization. The premise just didn’t hold my attention. Shonen does seem to be the dominant focus in anime. I get tired of the shonen conventions. I’d like to see more stories on the order of Spice and Wolf; stories that don’t have true villains or even attempt at an epic, earth shattering story. Gundam 00 was decent. Although, again, shonen conventions are a bit tired.