A few hours ago, as I write this, my cat Shikamaru died. He had developed FIPV, or Feline Infectious Peritonitis, an incurable and fatal viral infection. Shika was only 4 years old. Losing a pet is a difficult experience, especially when there is nothing you can do. He had contracted the virus at birth, and…
Category: Philosophy
Miyamato Musashi’s “The Way to be Followed Alone” (Dokkodo)
Miyamato Musashi’s work “The Way to be Followed Alone,” or Dokkodo, is the samurai’s lesser known work next to The Book of Five Rings (Gorin no Sho). Musashi is a ronin, or masterless samurai, and considered to be the best samurai who lived. Musashi was born around 1584. His father was named Hirata Munisai, and his mother was called…
Can a Christian be an Otaku?
Recently, I’ve had questions from younger Christians who are conflicted about their obsession with anime and their Christian faith. Liking anime and being a Christian are not mutually exclusive. Yet, many Christians and Christian parents have more concerns surrounding anime than American media content. I’ve already addressed the sexual concerns surrounding anime, so I won’t…
Flip-flopping. Aging, and Changing Your Mind
The Internet, and American culture in particular, doesn’t believe people can change their minds. Perhaps it’s because of how public opinions and thoughts are now. Whenever you see a politician change their mind, American news media attack, calling ichi “flip flopper.” You’ll see this to a lesser amount with internet personalities, so-called influencers. I’ve even…
You Won’t Read This Post
Online reading differs from reading on paper. You won’t read much beyond the first paragraph of this article if you follow the usual online reading pattern. In fact, I’ve violated all the tenants of online post-forging. I’ve forgone headings, images, and even small paragraphs to illustrate my point. Screen reading requires more complex reading skills…
To Understand Japanese History, Study China
One aspect of Japanology I’ve neglected so far is the role of China. I’ve only touched on it here and there throughout JP’s articles. But if you are serious about studying Japanese culture, you must also study Chinese culture. China has influenced most of the nations and cultures surrounding it. You find elements of Chinese…