I get it, some of you like fan-service, but fan-service has become a blight on anime as a whole. It’s fine when it appears in genres you fully expect to see it in: ecchi and hentai. Let it remain there. However, the mentality behind fan-service has leeched most categories of anime. Breast jokes have no…
The Dangers of the Anime Community Moving to Corporate-Ran Platforms
In the old days of the anime community (okay, not to old, old VHS days. Rather, the days before social media), private blogs and forums dominated. This wild-world of shanty-websites huddled across the various oases of fandoms had their own sheriffs and rules. People often traveled between these towns as word (pingbacks) spread of interesting…
William Adams, the First Englishman in Japan
The eleventh of Aprill 1600, we saw the land of Japon, neere unto Bungo: at which time there were no more but five men of us able to goe. The twelfth of Aprill, we came hard to Bungo, where many barkes came aboord us, the people whereof wee willingly let come.” It took the loss…