Under Ieyasu’s early government–the start of the Edo period– the Christian population doubled from about 150,000 to 300,000. It was also the only period (from about 1598-1614) when a Roman Catholic bishop was allowed to reside in Japan. But scandals and various events I covered in this article shifted policy toward deportation and eventually execution…
The Start of Christianity in Japan
The people whom we have met so far, are the best who have as yet been discovered, and it seems to me that we shall never find among heathens another race to equal the Japanese. They are a people of very good manners, good in general, and not malicious. –Francis Xavier c. 1551 Note: This…
Wabi-Sabi and Lawn Care
As I mowed my lawn, I inevitably compared it against my neighbor’s weed-free, manicured, precise lawn. Mine grows weeds faster than my weed cutter can handle. My weeping cherry tree grows wide and short (standing at my chest). My yoshino sakura trees stand spindly with only a handful of blossoms. My lawn festoons with violets…
Considering Anime’s Moe Trend
Moe designs dominate anime nowadays. The designs focus on cute girls with overly large eyes–even by anime standards–rounded faces, and pastel colors in hair and clothing. I’ve defined what moe is, but for a brief review: moe is a feeling of affection and fondness someone has toward a fictional character. Character designers have hit on…
The Joy of Painting – The Influence of Bob Ross on Me
I watched the first episode of a new Bob Ross inspired painting show called “Keeping the Bob Ross Dream Alive.” I grew up watching Bob Ross. The bushy-haired, soft-spoken painter passed away back in 1995, yet he remains relevant. I often see teens come into my library wearing Bob Ross “Happy Trees” t-shirts. In fact,…
The Sleep Deprived Otaku
Sleep deprivation affects everyone at some point. I often find myself staying up far past what I should as I watch an engaging anime. Even a single night of messed up sleep has mental and physical consequences, especially as we age. Twenty-somethings to 30-somethings have the best ability to bounce back after poor sleep. Teens…