Because I work at a library, it strikes me how much people consume. Most of our circulation centers on DVDs and technology. Many patrons, particularly retirees, watch a lot of TV. A lot. We allow 8 DVD checkouts, including TV series. Many people visit the library three times a week and get their limit. Now,…
Bushido: The 5 Acts of the Samurai Code of Conduct
Bushido is the code of conduct for the samurai. It isn’t a written code. Rather, it was taught through example and through stories. As with any ideal, few people lived according to the tenants of bushido, but many aimed at it. Bushido comes down to 5 ways of acting. The teachings of Confucius and Mencius…
Are You a Person of “Culture”?
We know culture when we see it. But have you considered what culture really is? At the most basic, it is how people approach life. It includes language, approaches, ideas, and items. Most of the time, we consider the external factors like buildings, doodads, and language as culture. Language grants access to the culture your…
My Year on Linux (And Plans for JP)
It’s been over a year since I changed all my computers from Windows to Linux. As a gamer, I had the misconception that Linux wouldn’t work for me. If you aren’t aware, Linux is a family of operating systems built on the principles of Open Source code, code that is viewable and changeable by anyone….
Heian Period Sexual Politics, Marriage, and Sex
The Heian period (794 to 1185) imported many ideas and conventions from China. This marked the flowering of Japanese ideals of beauty, from Cherry Blossom Viewing Festivals to poetic conventions. It imported Confucian ideals, Chinese writing conventions, Chinese literature, and many other cultural imports that would take on a distinct Japanese flavor. Buddhism also spread…
Considering Hong Kong
China recently passed a new law concerning Hong Kong that erodes the freedoms and autonomy Hong Kong had enjoyed. As part of the agreement with the British, China was supposed to respect Hong Kong’s democratic process and relative autonomy. The arrangement was similar to the system the Native American tribes have with the United States….