Anime has a problem with body boundaries, and the problem extends to both men and women. Fan-service centers on seeing breasts, abs, pecs, panties, and other parts, often without a character’s consent. It involves women pressing up against flustered men (and the reverse and every other combination) as they struggle to get away while expressing…
Manga in Theory and Practice by Hirohiko Araki
Manga in Theory and Practice seeks to provide a framework for manga writers. Hirohiko Araki is the author of JoJo’s Bizarre Adventure. Much of what he discusses applies to any type of story writing. He emphasizes the importance of the first page; it sets the tone of the entire story and is vital to selling…
The 82 Winning Moves of Sumo, the Kimarite List
When a sumo wrestler wins a match, how he wins is recorded with the victory. This move is called a kimarite. Think of kimarite as fatalities from Mortal Kombat or named moves from shonen anime. Think Inuyasha’s Wind Scar attack. Sumo has 5 non-winning moves, such as stepping out of the ring or touching down…
You Are Where You Are Meant to Be, As You Are Right Now
To insist on arbitrary action because you’re not reconciled to your fate is something that men should be most wary of. If people let their minds go off according to their individual likes and dislikes, confusion will grow day by day. This, it seems, is the reason for working on soundness of mind by making…
Who are Anime Fans? A Summary of the International Anime Research Project’s Findings
The International Anime Research Project aims at studying anime, manga, and other fandoms. This team of scientists use techniques from psychology, anthropology, and sociology to understand the traits, demographics, and other attributes of anime fans. The team also compares different fandoms to understand the similarities and differences among the people within those fandoms. Most quotes…
Golden Time: How Insecurity Splits Oneself
Golden Time is an anime adaptation of a light novel series. The anime released back in 2013. I will spoil the story in this discussion. Golden Time is one of the rare anime that doesn’t take place in high-school. The characters are all college age, but, for the most part, this acts as window dressing…