Canaan is an anime that acts as a sequel to the video game 428: Fusa Sareta Shibuya de. Which explains why I felt a little lost watching this 13 episode series. The show opens with Maria Osawa being rescued by a white haired girl named Canaan as her way to become a photographer for the…
Japan’s “Missing Million” — The Hikikomori
Most of us here in the US have probably come across people we would classify as “hermits”. That is to say, they barely leave the house, tend to be introverted, have few friends, and generally pass through life trying to be noticed as little as possible (weirdly enough, this might give them a kind of…
Odd and Impossible Anime Hair Styles
Anime hair ranges from drab to the impossible. I thought to turn toward some of the The odder hair styles we can find in our favorite medium. The hair in Afro Samurai reminds me more of a tree than hair. It is a blob of color that swirls like smoke. It lacks a lot of…
Blast of Tempest
Like many of Bones’ works, Blast of Tempest has an odd story but interesting characters. Blast of Tempest is set in our world with a twist. A select tribe of people known as the Kusaribe clan have access to magic through an entity called the Tree of Genesis. Enter Mahiro Fuwa and his friend Yoshino…
Noppera-bo, the Faceless Ghost
It’s a sunny day, with only a few puffy white clouds in the sky. The temperature is perfect — warm enough you don’t need a jacket, but cool enough to be comfortable. You decide that it’s time to go fishing. When you tell your wife (or husband, as the case may be) where you intend…
Pokemon Windows 8 App
One day I was wasting time in the Windows 8 Store and stumbled across a Pokemon App. It had an average of 4 stars, so I thought I’d take a look. For a big fan of Pokemon, it would be convenient. The app pulls in the latest news, pokemon related tweets, videos, and Flickr fan…