It came to my attention that JP is biased. We often focus on shonen and more male oriented topics. When I initially planned this series of anime/manga that changed the medium, Sailor Moon wasn’t on the list. After thinking about it, I realized how wrong this was. Sailor Moon is one of the most important…
Category: Otaku Culture
Neon Genesis Evangelion: The End (Beginning) of Mecha
What makes Neon Genesis Evangelion important? I asked myself this as I researched for this article. The fact the series and movies are still some of the most discussed stories suggests just how much of an impact the anime made in 1995. Yep. The anime is 20 years old and still being talked about. Okay,…
Ghost in the Shell 1995
Ghost in the Shell is a popular cyberpunk anime that consistently ranks among the best anime in the history of the genre. The series consists of two separate anime–Ghost in the Shell Standalone Complex and Ghost in the Shell Standalone Complex 2nd Gig — and two movie–Ghost in the Shell and Ghost in the Shell:…
Dragon Ball Z–The Father of Modern Shonen
Dragon Ball Z is a show that needs little introduction among anime fans. To say that Dragon Ball Z (DBZ) is influential is a gross understatement–had Dragon Ball Z never been published, modern anime–specifically Shonen–would look nothing like it does now. While most readers here are probably familiar with DBZ’s storyline, for those who aren’t…
Akira: Changing the Face of Anime
Akira is important for anime both in the West and in Japan. It seems odd, but Akira’s predecessor isn’t another anime. Rather, Akira is the child of Godzilla. So what does the teen angst of Akira have to do with the giant city smashing Godzilla? Both Akira and Godzilla show the influence of World War…
Mighty Atom and Tezuka’s Production System
Any series that looks at the most influential anime must talk about Osamu Tezuka’s Mighty Atom (Tetsuwan Atomu) or Astro Boy as we in the West know it. Astro Boy laid the groundwork for anime and manga storytelling, production, and all other aspects of the medium. While it was not the first Japanese animation, Tetsuwan…