Kimi no Iru Machi is a shonen slice of life manga wrote by Seo Kouji. To be honest, I thought it was a shojo from the way it read. The series follows Haruto Kirishima, Yuzuki Eba, Akari Kaga, and other friends as they grow up. The story centers around Haruto and Yuzuki’s turbulent romance. Yuzuki…
Category: Book Reviews
Nisekoi is a romantic comedy manga wrote by Naoshi Komi. The name literally means “Fake Love.” The manga follows the romantic misadventures of Raku Ichijou and Chitoge Kirisaki. Raku is the son of the yakuza faction Shuei-Gumi. Chitoge is the daughter of a rival gang called Beehive. The two are forced to “fake date” for…
Hibiki’s Magic
Hibiki’s Magic is like eating a cupcake, topped with pink frosting and rainbow sprinkles accompanied by a cool glass of milk. Hibiki is a magician who is terrible at magic, which is rather generic in the world of manga. Hibiki is one of those characters who has a kind and generous spirit. While the characters…
Alice in the Country of Hearts
How would you like to play a game? Alice has been kidnapped and brought to Wonderland against her will. The only way she can go home is to play a game she doesn’t know the rules to. To top it off, the inhabitants of Wonderland have a nasty habit of shooting first and asking questions…