Along with Rascal Does Not Dream of Bunny Senpai, That Time I Got Reincarnated as a Slime surprised me. I expected another run-of-the-mill isekai. Instead, I found a slow-paced, even thoughtful story with heart. Satoku Mikami dies and finds himself reincarnated as a slime (the title says it all, right?) Well, he wakes up in a cave full of rare…
Author: Chris Kincaid
The Status of Japanese Working Women [Long Work Hours, Low Equality, Sexual Harassment]
As of 2016, more Japanese women had jobs than American women. 74.3% vs. 76.3% (Shambaugh, 2017). For the longest time, Japanese women trailed in employment compared to their American counterparts. Much of this had to do with Japanese culture. Japan’s society expects women to spend their time at home once children enter the picture. Women…
The Controversy Surrounding Goblin Slayer Episode 1
A few Youtube anime reviewers touched on the controversy surrounding the anime Goblin Slayer. It centers on the first episode’s depiction of rape and violence. Goblin Slayer‘s world models a traditional fantasy role-playing games. Characters have spell charges and recover from wounds by drinking healing potions. Unlike many recent anime that adopt similar, admittedly awkward,…