I’ve addressed the controversy surrounding the first episode of Goblin Slayer. I’ve also seen (as likely you have) plenty of articles that speak about the status of women in the series. “Rotten Chivalry: The Role of Women in Goblin Slayer” at UEM struck me as one of the best. But the articles also ignore the…
Author: Chris Kincaid
Japan, the Sexless Society?
By 2060, Japan is expected to have a population of 86.7 million, down from the peak of 128 million in 2008. At least 40% of the 86.7 million is expected to be 65 or older. As the population declines, there will be fewer young people to care for the older. Tokyo is expected to have…
Looking Back on 2018
The past year has been a busy one for me. A blur. Older people like to tell me that as I continue to age time will continue to speed up. My response? I’m in the grave tomorrow. But I found looking back over the year, particularly looking back at my writing, allows me to remember…
How Not to Summon a Demon Lord – Anime Review
When it comes to ecchi anime, the characters all need to be having fun. Although I dislike ecchi, even I know this. Too often the genre falls into exploitation, and female characters yelling “no” all the time. How Not to Summon a Demon Lord avoids this for the most part, but it goes too far in…