It’s hard to write blog articles regularly. Over the years, I’ve developed a loose process I thought to share with you. It may not work for you, and I don’t always stick with it. Some days, I feel inspired and dash off a blog post in no time. Other ideas require days, if not weeks,…
Author: Chris Kincaid
Why are Harem Anime Popular?
Most harem anime I’ve watched follow a template. A gaggle of various girls chase a guy with little personality and an aversion to making decisions and touching female skin. Each of the girls represent an anime trope: the tsundere, deredere, and so on. You’ll see the usual body stereotypes too, from the large-breasted girls to…
The Dub vs. Sub Debate Goes On
I suspect the clash between the dub and sub will continue until we either speak the same language or anime ends. I don’t understand the debate. Okay, I understand why the debate rages, which I’ll discuss. But I don’t really see the point. I watch both, and I prefer neither. Dubs are fine as long…
What Makes Something a Classic?
The dictionary defines classic as “a work of art of recognized and established value.” That’s quite a vague definition. After all, value changes depending on culture, time period, and concerns. Most of us consider classics as dusty works of art that everyone should appreciate but most do not. As a writer, I think of…
How to Savor Winter Haiku
Winter haiku intend to make you feel the cold, the quiet, and the loneliness associated with the season. Literature can resonate different meanings for the writer and for the reader. There’s no right way to read, although some may argue that. In fact, Basho, one of Japan’s most famous haiku writers, warns us to “prefer…
We Never Learn: Bokuben
We Never Learn: Bokuben follows Nariyuki Yuigi as he tutors three female geniuses in their weaknesses. Of course, this is a harem anime, so they all develop feelings for him. Fumino Furuhashi is a literature genius, but her interest in astronomy drives her to tackle her weakness in mathematics. Rizu Ogata is a genius in…