Lately in publishing there’s been a push for authentic voices. Authentic voices are usually minority authors writing stories that concern their groups and perspectives. This is wonderful! I enjoy reading authentic perspectives and experiences. That’s what I look for when I research articles for JP. However, as with everything there’s a downside. With the rise…
Author: Chris Kincaid
That Was How Much?! The Surpising Cost of Things in Japan During the 1900s
This seems like a strange question, but examining costs of items and salaries can offer interesting insights into history. I came across this information while I worked on approximating a reasonable cost for an item in one of my stories. The detail matters for the plotline, so I wanted some accuracy. The data in this…
Goodbye, Shika: The Gift of Mourning
A few hours ago, as I write this, my cat Shikamaru died. He had developed FIPV, or Feline Infectious Peritonitis, an incurable and fatal viral infection. Shika was only 4 years old. Losing a pet is a difficult experience, especially when there is nothing you can do. He had contracted the virus at birth, and…
Komi Can’t Communicate
Komi Can’t Communicate focuses on the perception and the challenges of having social anxiety. Komi is the most beautiful and popular girl in high school, but she suffers from social anxiety to the point where she can’t speak to anyone. The attention her fellow students lavish on her only makes the anxiety worse. She wants…
Looking Back on 2021
I spend most of 2021 revisiting older anime. I have articles in the queue where I reexamine them. There wasn’t too many new titles that caught my attention. Of those, most were continuations of series I already enjoy. When I think back on the one-off anime, I don’t remember too many standouts. Horimiya was an…
Pokemon Brilliant Diamond
Pokemon Brilliant Diamond remakes Pokemon Diamond on the Nintendo DS. I hadn’t played Diamond, so I went into Brilliant Diamond blind. This is my preferred way of playing video games. I was a gamer before the Internet was public. I grew up making my own maps for The Legend of Zelda and other games. So…