Strain is a mecha anime without all the religious pretenses. In the distant future ( over 7000 ce), humans have colonized large swaths of the local galaxy. Divided into 2 warring factions, the Union and the Deague, humans continue their long experiment with empire. Humans appear to be alone in the universe so far… Sara…
Author: Chris Kincaid
Requiem for the Phantom
Phantom was a good anime. I dare say great anime….until the final ending scenes. All the lurid character development fell like spent shell casings in the final scene. It left me feeling cold and cheated. I don’t always want a happy ending; I didn’t expect one from this anime. With the characters a traditional happy…
The Sacred Blacksmith
Swords, boob jokes, maid outfits, and demons. Sounds like a pretty standard fantasy anime. The Sacred Blacksmith turns these themes just enough to make a decent and interesting anime. Not great, but it is an entertaining romp. Cecily Cambell is a knight of the Housman, just like her father. The knights protect the city and…
Demon King Daimao
Akuto Sai just can’t do anything right. Girls misunderstand him and think him perverse. Even simple magic exercises end with a crater and shredded clothing. Akuto just wants to become the High Priest so he can help people. However, his first day attending Constan Magical Academy crushes his dream. During a placement test he is…
Anime Annoyances: “Deep” Endings
Sometimes anime writers just say “screw it” at the very end of a series. After 26 or more episodes of plot and character development, it’s like the writers get lazy and just cut the loose ends. Often they take a page from Shakespeare and just off everyone. Writers also try to make an ending seem…
Fullmetal Alchemist vs FMA:Brotherhood
I was left mixed with Fullmetal Alchemist Brotherhood. On one hand, the story was epic and very well paced. On the other hand, Ed and Al were freakin’ muscle heads. I own the first series; I couldn’t help but compare Brotherhood to it. Time for the usual brief summary. Edward Elric is a State Alchemist, …