Moe is slang often associated with super kawaii (cute) characters and people. Moe doesn’t have a set definition, nor is it a genre. It is considered a love for certain characters from manga and anime. The word moe is a pun that means “budding” such as a flower. It is also similar to the word…
Author: Chris Kincaid
Shinto is the native spiritual system of Japan that we see in various anime and other shows. Also known as kami-no-michi, Shinto is associated with shrines dedicated to various purposes such as war memorials, harvest festivals, love, and others. This article gives a quick overview of Shinto. Many Japanese practice Shinto rituals and also practice…
Jiro Dreams of Sushi
Jiro Dreams of Sushi is a documentary about an 85 year old living Japanese treasure, Jiro Ono. Jiro elevates sushi into an art. Yet despite his accomplishments he still strives for perfection. His sushi restaurant, Sukiyabashi Jiro, has a Michelin Guide 3 star rating. The best there is.The restaurant is also the first of its…
Anime Stereotypes: The Snooty Girl
We love to hate ’em. They come from a family with more money than the entire nation of Japan. Usually blonde, they are stuck up, prissy, and yet deep down pretty sweet girls. The Snooty Girl is another shorthand staple in high school anime. They are often the main source of headache for the protagonist….
Japanese Model: Nozomi Sasaki
Nozomi Sasaki is a popular model and commercial actress. She was born in Akita Prefecture in 1988, and began modeling at 14. She is also a commentator for mixed martial arts and kickboxing competitions. Reportedly she is blood type AB. She started her film career in 2009, after she retired from modeling. She was accused…
Anime Demotivational Posters
I know they are everywhere on the ‘net, but I couldn’t resist posting a list of my favorite anime/Japan related demotivational posters. I don’t make any claims to ownership, and I tried to keep them somewhat clean. That is easier said than done. After all, this is the internet. There are quite a few here,…