Green hair is one of the odder hair colors in anime. It is the color of nature. Green is also the complementary color of red. The green personality is also the complement of red. Green hair represents the cycle of reproduction and change. Greens also tend to be rejuvenating characters: healers. Yellows are also rejuvenating…
Author: Chris Kincaid
The Second Year in Review
JapanPowered turns 2 this month! I started the project to support the local manga/anime club at the library. As these things go, the club went one way and the blog went the other. While I enjoy watching anime time to time, I didn’t think I was a large enough fan to write regularly about it….
It is All About the Hair: The Orange
Orange hair in anime comes in many different shades. Sometimes orange hair is referred to as “strawberry” like in Bleach because of it’s mix of red and yellow elements. When you think orange hair characters like Bleach’s Ichigo, Ouron Host Club’s Hikaru and Kaoru, Shirley Fenette from Code Geass, and Spice and Wolf’s Holo. Orange…
It is All About the Hair: Locks of Gold
Blonde hair in anime often is used for foreign characters or the rich. In anime, many Western characters are rich. Golden locks are considered happy and regenerative in nature. Golden characters are not the most energetic, but their abilities to recoup when knocked down make them resilient. Blonde hair is often an object of desire….
Emaki Fart Battle – Yeah, You Read that Right
Back in the Edo period of Japan (between 1603 and 1868), an artist had a genius and hilarious idea: a Fart Battle. The scroll depicts a flatulent fight between, uh, “warriors”. We are not talking your average after dinner gas. No, this is the gas of the gods! Mighty men who can fart down walls…
It is All About the Hair: The Meaning of Red
Anime is famous for its unrealistic hair color. Okay, we can dye our hair to match anime colors now. Anyway, originally the wild colors of hair were used as a way to distinguish one character from another. Manga also didn’t have color since it is a black and white medium. However, over time hair color…