Up-skirt shots dominate good portions of anime. This fan service is used for comedic effect and, of course, titillation. Have you ever wondered where this odd fixation originated? Well, it turns out that the West is primarily the reason why Japan has a panty obsession. It is also fairly new. It started in the Meiji…
Author: Chris Kincaid
It is All About the Hair: The Color of Royalty
It all started with clams. At the dawn of civilization, they were harvested for their purple dye. Supposedly one clam only had a single drop of dye. Anime has certainly killed many clams! Purple hair characters are a mix of red head and blue personalities. They are noble and have a deeper understanding of purpose…
Mighty Morphin Power Rangers
What does an American live-action children’s show from the 90s have to do with Japan? Mighty Morphin Power Rangers was a mashup from a Japanese superhero show called Super Sentai. Being a kid of the late 80s and early 90s, I rode the Mighty Morphin fever for awhile too. It was everywhere in pop culture….
Coverage of Ohayocon 2013
Our con-man, Zach, brings us more anime convention coverage with Ohayocon! This time, it was not all fun and games, unfortunately… On January 18th-20th, I attended Ohayocon 2013 with my group of friends. As usual with everything, there’s both good and bad. Please read the disclaimer before reading my actual coverage. Disclaimer: To the owner…
It is All About the Hair: Water and Sky
Blue is a complicated character color. There are 2 main shades of blue: ultramarine and “true blue” cyan. Both shades are associated with wisdom and knowledge. Blue heads have different piles: ultramarine is the color of water while cyan is the color of the sky. The personalities also reflect the poles. Ultramarine Characters of this…
El Cazador de la Bruja
I stumbled across El Cazador de la Bruja late one night while perusing Netflix. The description sounded interesting despite only rating 2.5 stars. I was nicely surprised! El Cazador de la Bruja is said to be the spiritual successor of Noir and Madlax. Since I haven’t watched either anime yet, I have to take the…