Fan service can also include references to other anime/manga.

Sexually oriented fan service goes from nudity to sexy outfits – often maids and nurses. Up-skirts panty glimpses are common in shonen. Shoujo, manga/anime oriented to females, also has their own fan service. It often includes accidental kisses and various states of male undress.
Anime also loves the high school scene. It is understandable since high school is something adults and teens both identify with, but it is so tired! Most anime that makes it over here in the States has a teenage protagonist. A good portion of the show takes place in or around their high school. At least some of the series keep most of the storyline out of the school. Many, particularly the slice of life anime, have the entire story unfold in school.
Anime that doesn’t take place in high school really stand out. We need more shows like Spice and Wolf, Ghost in the Shell, and Samurai Champloo in the US.

Well, since most anime has fan-service and takes place in high school with underage teenagers…. yeah I don’t like watching an anime that makes me feel like a pedophile. High School of the Dead became unwatchable with all the constant panty glimpses and sexuality.
They are all freakin’ underage! It’s a pity because HOTD was an interesting take on the zombie genre.
I know the Japanese have a different view of sexuality than us prudish Americans, but, come on, when the storyline is hijacked by constant fan service it only shows the author can’t write without stereotyped conventions. Every once in awhile is fine, but not ever other scene.

Fan service is all about the glimpse. It shouldn’t be constant…especially with high school anime. I don’t enjoy feeling like a dirty “old man” when I watch a show. The other forms of fan service don’t really bother me. A long, hot shot of a mecha doesn’t take away from the story (when done in small amounts). Long violent scenes are often enjoyable as long as they don’t fall into the grotesque. Dialogue fan-service doesn’t even register on my radar.
High school is stereotypical and needs a break. Fan service is fine in small doses. It is all a matter of degree.
Adam has blonde hair blue eyes and white skin he is also very tall and muscular while Evangelina has light blue hair white skin violet eyes looks like a average 16 year old but is actually 4000 years old she has big breasts she wears a ragged torn Japanese schoolgirl uniform that reveals her midriff and the underside of her breasts her clothes also has a dangerously short skirt she does not wear any bras or panties or even shoes or socks she has superhuman toughness, senses, speed, reflexes, and strength along with superhuman intelligence but lacks emotions and social skills. she also can produce acidic spit and a super powerful breath.
Well, if she has superhuman intelligence, she would realize her lack of dress wouldn’t give her the best outcomes. She would dress based on the outcomes she desires. Intelligence can overcome social and emotional deficiencies. Just look at Data (who had lovers and friends) in Star Trek: The Next Generation.
i have a brand new hentai anime or manga featuring a normal 36 year old salesman named Adam he is still single and lives alone in his apartment until one day he decided to go camping in the mountains and doing some fishing on a boat in a lake he witnesses a alien spaceship crashing on a field and a alien girl named Evangelina comes out of it.
It’s good that you are writing about adults. However, I stay away from hentai, ai-seinen, and the like.