Anime, despite the Western view of cartoons as being childish, addresses difficult and looming concepts. Beneath the virtual facade and wonder of the anime Sword Art Online, there dwells many heavy concepts. For those who haven’t watched SAO, it deals with concepts of reality with depth rivaled by Ghost in the Shell. Unlike Ghost, SAO…
Category: Anime
Sword Art Online
There are very few anime that left a lasting impression on me: Spice and Wolf, Eureka Seven, and Ghost in the Shell. Sword Art Online is the latest addition to the short list. Sword Art Online is a Virtual Reality Massively Multiplayer Online Role Playing Game (phew, quite a mouthful) where people “full dive” into…
Odd and Impossible Anime Hair Styles
Anime hair ranges from drab to the impossible. I thought to turn toward some of the The odder hair styles we can find in our favorite medium. The hair in Afro Samurai reminds me more of a tree than hair. It is a blob of color that swirls like smoke. It lacks a lot of…
Blast of Tempest
Like many of Bones’ works, Blast of Tempest has an odd story but interesting characters. Blast of Tempest is set in our world with a twist. A select tribe of people known as the Kusaribe clan have access to magic through an entity called the Tree of Genesis. Enter Mahiro Fuwa and his friend Yoshino…
Burst Angel
Burst Angel is one of those anime’s that I fizzled out on more than halfway through. I considered pushing to the end, but the show just doesn’t appeal to me. The anime is set in the near future and follows a group of female miscreants as they fight against mutated human monsters that cause havok…