Bubblegum Crisis Tokyo 2040 takes a page from Super Sentai, mixes in some power suits a-la Metroid, and throws in a dash of Final Fantasy. This anime retells an OVA called Bubblegum Crisis. Seven years after an earthquake almost destroyed Tokyo, androids with a fair level of intelligence are being used to rebuild the city….
Category: Anime
Origin: Spirits of the Past
Trees shattering the moon is quite a different idea. Origin takes place in a post-apocalyptic world ravaged by genetically engineered plants. It is a rather novel idea, but the movie cuts the good and evil – technology verses environment too sharply. Agito is a rash boy at home in the ruins of the past. After…
Guilty Crown
Guilty Crown drew me in with the animation of the first episode. The little touches in the way the characters moved screamed Production I.G.. Unfortunately, the quality of the animation throughout the series wasn’t on par with other works by the anime studio. In any case, Guilty Crown has some interesting things going for it….
Okami-san and her Seven Companions
This romantic comedy centers around the antics of a high school club (of course, it take place in a high school!) called Otogi Bank. The club is hired to solve problems students have who pay back the club with favors. And no. The favors are not of that type. The bouncer of the club is…
Welcome to the NHK
Welcome to the NHK is one of the oddest anime series I’ve watched. This head trip follows Tatsuhiro Sato, a hikikomori, and Misaki Nakahara, a strange girl who decides to help cure Sato of his hikikomori. Sato is convinced that the NHK (which is a public broadcasting company, Nippon Hōsō Kyōkai) is actually a sinister…
11 Eyes
This high school fantasy anime had some interesting RPG-like moments, but 11 Eyes ultimately fell on its face. The story revolves around 6 high school students who are drawn into the “Red Night,” an alternate realm populated by larvae like creatures and Black Knights. The Black Knights are bent on killing the high-school students. The…