Anime characters sure yell a lot. They yell their names or demand to know their opponent’s names. They yell their attacks. Wind Scar! Anime fans don’t think too much of it, but for those new to the medium this is just weird. However, there are a few reasons why anime has these conventions. Manga’s limitations…
Category: Anime
What is a Postmodern Anime? What Does Postmodernism Mean, anyway?
Postmodernism is one of those stuffy words you see thrown around the Internet. It’s slapped on architecture, education, movies, and even anime. But what really is postmodernism? How can an anime be postmodern? Despite it’s name, postmodernism has nothing to do with being modern. I rather dislike the word modern because every age thinks itself…
Keijo!!!!!!!! Review
I loathe fan-service. The only exception to this was Kill la Kill, but with that series the fan-service was satirical. So when I started watching Keijo!!!!!!!! –I think I counted the right number of exclamation marks in the title–I often asked myself “What am I watching?” I’ve seen the popularity of the show in my…
Anime’s View of Men
Anime has a dim opinion of men. Anime’s misogyny gets a lot of ink, but men suffer from their own issues in the medium. Many parts of the medium look at men as sex-driven, impulsive, and deadbeat. In many slice-of-life anime, the father isn’t around. While this reflects the unfortunate reality of the Japanese salaryman,…
Confessions of an “Old” Anime Fan
I got into anime at an old age compared to most. My early twenties, and that was over 10 years ago. Now, as a fan at the further end of the age spectrum (anime skews teens and early 20s as the average age of fans), I am aware of the liabilities of enjoying the medium….
Top 7 Anime Character Transformations
Anime loves to transform characters as they gain power. Dragonball, Sailor Moon, Bleach, Naruto, and many others all have various forms and looks. There are many lists that order the coolest transformations. This isn’t one of them. Instead, let’s look at inner transformations. Outer transformations usually involve inner changes. While I’ll look at Goku, just…