Air Gear follows Itsuki Minami and his friends as they form a gang to compete against other AT gangs. AT stands for Air Treks, special inline skates that allow the rider to do impossible things. ATs let people scale vertical walls and even fly. It all begins when Ikki is beat senseless by a gang…
Category: Anime Reviews
Dance in the Vampire Bund
Dance in the Vampire Bund often left me feeling…uncomfortable. Funimation ended up releasing an edited version for the American anime audience. If the version I watched was edited, the full version would leave me feeling very uncomfortable. Vampire Bund opens with Akira, the stereotypical highschool student, suffering from amnesia. The world is in an uproar:…
Gunslinger Girl 2: Teatrino
The second season of Gunslinger Girl focuses mostly on the second eldest assassin, Triela. The series also spends more time fleshing out the characters of Claes and Angelica. Henrietta, the focus of the first season, takes a back end role but still sees some character development. This season has a more cohesive storyline than the…
Spice and Wolf 2
Spice and Wolf has quickly become one of my favorite anime series. It is just so refreshingly different. There aren’t any villains. There are just people with faults: mostly greed. Like the first season, Spice and Wolf II is a “talky.” There is less suspense than in the first season and more focus on Holo…
I normally don’t like harem comedies, but I decided to give Shuffle! a try. After all, it is geared toward my age group ( It’s a seinen anime) . I braced myself for nudity and other sexual theme; surprisingly Shuffle! was lighter than I expected for this genre. Shuffle! is pretty stereotypical. The male protagonist, Rin…
Strain: Strategic Armored Infantry
Strain is a mecha anime without all the religious pretenses. In the distant future ( over 7000 ce), humans have colonized large swaths of the local galaxy. Divided into 2 warring factions, the Union and the Deague, humans continue their long experiment with empire. Humans appear to be alone in the universe so far… Sara…